Pumpkin Express Train to Sapa

Pumpkin Train Sapa also luxuriously equipped with modern amenities such as reading lights, clean berths and hygiene pillow and blanket, in addition to the free snacks and mineral water for light meals of the guests. In accordance with the intimate manners of the staff and cozy atmosphere of the space, passengers definitely experience the comfortable and indulged moment staying on these carriages.

However, like other train service, Pumpkin Express Train is only able to provide one single bathroom on each carriage for passengers. Even though those WCs are undoubtedly hygiene and quality ensured, guests might feel more inconvenient and unpleasant using those bathrooms. Moreover, there is no dining and bar carriage for demand of the passengers, which means that guests might feel truly hungry and tired during the trip.

Departure Time

  • Hanoi at 9.10pm to Laocai at 5:00am
  • Lao Cai at 8.15pm to Hanoi at 5:30am


Train fares (one way) - including transfer from hotel to Ha Noi railway station

Train Cabin type Fares
Pumpkin Express First class (4 berths) US$ 29
VIP (2 berths) US$ 60